Making Sentences English To Kokborok Part-4.

Eng- Come and visit in my home.
Kok-Chini nogu berai fai di.

Eng- Don't be late.
Kok- Ta ler sidi.

Eng- I will not go to school today.
Kok- Ang tini school thangya.

Eng- I did not eat food still.
Kok- Ang mai chaya kho.

Eng- I don't want to talk with you.
Kok- Ang nwng bai kok sana muchung ya.

Eng- I am coming.
Kok- Ang fai tongo.

Eng- In which class do you read?
Kok- Nwng bo class o pori?

Eng- I am going to sleep.
Kok- Ang thuna thang sinai.

Eng- What do you think?
Kok- Nwng tamo wansuk?

Eng- What is your favourite movie?
Kok- Nwng bu toke no naithok jak?

Eng- How long are you staying here?
Kok- Nwng orw sal buswk tongnai?

Eng- Why did not you come today?
Kok- Nwng tini tamoni fai liya?

Eng- Why did you lie to me?
Kok- Nwng tamo anw tatal sa?

Eng- Is your father at home?
Kok- Nini Babu nokgw da?

Eng- I am going to the market.
Kok- Ang hati o thangna nai o.

Eng- Do you want to go?
Kok- Nwng thangna da nai?

Eng- Who is loughing?
Kok- Sabo munwi?

Eng- What is the matter?
Kok- Tamo ongkha?

Eng- Where to sit?
Kok- Boro achuk nai?

Eng- How about you? 
Kok- Nwng bahai?

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